Saturday, January 9, 2016

Inside the mind of killer Dylann Roof: What can a poor boy do?

Update: Regarding Roof's tattoo: internet search turns up an old story where Joey Meek told the Washington Post that Dylann Roof wanted to get the word 'Dagger' tattooed on his neck.

Here is an oldie from the National Enquier on June 26, 2015:

Includes this nugget from Joey Meek:

Roof, 21, had quit his job, and was whooping it up with lap dances from strippers, bragging of “something big” about to happen.

“At some point Dylann got real drunk, looked at me and said, ‘I’m planning something big, like the Trayvon Martin case. I’ve been planning it for six months now,’ ” Meek told The National ENQUIRER in a bombshell world exclusive interview.

“He told me, ‘The white race is under attack by the black race, and no one from the white race is brave enough to do anything about it. I’m going to be the one to start the race war. I’ll be the one who’s brave enough to do what needs to be done!’”

(This is what Roof wrote in his manifesto, which was discovered online shortly after he was named as the suspect. Makes me kind of wonder if Meek isn't just repeating what he had read after the manifesto became public.)

We also learn: Roof had worked on 'the landscaping team' of Clark's Termite and Pest Control, but had quit due to the heat. This is in fact a common complaint in the South - it's too hot to do outside jobs in the summer months. It can, in fact, give you heat stroke and even kill you,  as many a lawn mowing Southern man has found out.

More interestingly, we learn that:

 Roof resented that his parents gave his half sister, Morgan, all the attention.

Roof and Meek played a video game called "Black Ops: Line of Duty."

Roof would respond "I'm terrible" or "I'm miserable" when asked how he was doing.

Roof has the word "dagger" tattooed on his neck. (I've seen plenty of photos of Dylann's scrawny little neck but the tattoo, no.)

Roof got lap dances several times in the month before the shootings at the Platinum Plus strip club in downtown Columbia. He is reported to have watched the dancers on stage with a vacant stare.

Roof ranted about protester's burning the US flag. (Strange, because Roof desecrated an American flag in one or two of the photos on his website, The Last Rhodesian.)

Roof would Google "black on white crime" and read the countless stories in the news of innocent whites being killed in horrific, wanton ways by African-American people. Roof, insanely,  felt someone should do something about this.

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