Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dylann Roof calls together the Grand Council of White Nationalism

Update: Press release from Harney County at their government website:
Welcome to Harney County, Now Leave

1. White people across the USA pricked up their ears when it was announced that white activists had taken over a federal building in Oregon. (From now on this will be called the Takeover.) Probably most of them were disappointed to learn this was the Bundy militia, not the Hitler Youth group. However, many still were intrigued to see what would happen next.

The mainstream media is keen to get "white supremacists," preferably in ghostly costumes, involved in this story. Apparently the KKK was a no-show at the Takeover, so reporters like Mr. Gettys of Raw Story turned to old time white power guy Harold Covington's blog.

Covington has a number of notable accomplishments, or at least activities, including starting a project called the Northwest Front. That is a call for whites to move up to the Northwest region of the USA and create a white homeland. (The Northwest is a vague place that sometimes stretches out into the Midwest if you let it.)

 In recent history, the Northwest Front made the news when Dylann Roof mentioned it in his manifesto. Nobody mainstream will tell you want young Master Roof said about Harold Covington's Northwest Front. But I will. Roof said he thought it was a bad idea, it was like running away from the problem of black violence (also known as white flight.) I think the lad has a point.

Mr. Roof's response to black violence and media suppression of such atrocities was to shoot a roomful of innocent blacks. Of course, blacks never shoot innocent whites for any reason, so Mr. Roof became the "Face of Evil" in the current year. Oh, wait, that was 2015, which is not the current year any more. But so far Mr. Roof has not lost his paper crown to anyone more evil. (However, the shooting hasn't started in Harney County, yet.)

Okay, so here is intrepid reporter Travis Gettys, leaving out that essential bit in his article on Harold Covington blogging about the Takeover. He wants to create a connection between Roof and Covington in your mind.

Article by Travis Gettys, Jan. 5, 2016:

 The media sees Roof's bad angel figure floating over the Oregon Takeover. Note that Mr. Covington's comment on Roof's "hissy fit" distances himself from Roof.

If Mr. Covington is a Neo-Nazi, it is not apparent from skimming his blog. However, he is pen pals with prisoner Bill White, who is generally known on the internet as "Neo-Nazi Bill White." Mr. White, last I heard, denies that he is a white supremacist. He is however, reported to have sent books to fellow inmate Dylann Roof. (All roads lead to Dylann Roof!)

2. Recap of Harold Covington comments on the Oregon white militant Takeover on his Thoughtcrime blog:

Note - jugears is a swipe at the President, I believe. Obama, or maybe it was George W. Bush. They both look like monkeys, so hard to say.

On Saturday, Jan 2 Harold wrote: "Looks like someone may have decided to start the revolution without us." This was followed by a later post: "...I have to say that in this case, from what I have read about what the dictator's servants are doing to this father and son named Hammond in Harney County, the point seems worth making. What Dylann Roof did was a hissy fit. This is not. There is in fact a worthy cause here, a legitimate casus belli. That in itself is a rarity worth respecting."

On January 5, Harold speculated: "Wonder who the dictatorship will try to co-opt as their cat's-paw to lure the men to their destruction? Alex Jones? Maybe Rush Limbaugh? I doubt Limbaugh would touch it with a ten-foot pole; I think he has better sense."

Harold posted an update on Jan. 6 with a link to:

3. Perhaps there will be some exciting developments on this story but I kind of doubt it. Roof actually has nothing to do with Covington and Covington has nothing to do with the Takeover. Covington could of course, go over there and join in, and to tell you the truth I thought of him when I first heard the Takeover news. Harold is a novelist who draws his material from the news, and the Takeover sounds like news that drew from a Harold Covington novel.

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