Saturday, August 20, 2016

That "Interstate Commerce" law that the feds abuse questioned in Dylann Roof trial

Here is our federal government, in a completely ridiculous argument that "international commerce" has something to do with the Dylann Roof trial. He used a computer, a phone, a the government argues. If Judge Gerkel could set the precedent that the feds have no business interfering with state government trials because somebody posted something on the internet, it would be a great thing.

Clearly, the feds don't have enough cases to occupy their time.

This article is from July.

Jury questions to be kept sealed in Dylann Roof trial

This strikes me as a total joke.Chances are slim to none anything they are doing will make any difference in the sentence.

Post and Courier article of August 16, 1916 by Gregory Yee. Check out Yee's profile photo. They aren't making Asians like they used to.

Trying to label Dylann Roof

 Update: March 18, 2018. Link below no longer works. Probably was this article.  ***
This article, link below, is a year old, but still of interest.

I personally don't care that the South used to be solid Democrat and then switched after Civil Rights to be more Republican. I don't care because I consider both Dems and Repubs the problem in this country, (as the Trump 2016 campaign  proves many do.)

Popping pills and burning the US flag, Dylann Roof is a strange kind of right wing extremist. But as he desired separation of the races (as white flight everywhere proves that many do) he is also a strange kind of Democrat in the current era. Since Jimmy Carter, the Democrats have practiced reverse discrimination against Whites. However, the Republicans have done nothing to protect whites from black violence, which was the reason Dylann Roof took action.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Matt Hale Trial: Do Whites have the right to continue to exist under this government?

Updated on August 20, 2016. The judge denied Matt Hale a chance at a new trial despite evidence the jury was tainted.


We have a constant stream of articles on race in the US media. Every article is followed by comments (if comments are allowed) by people who think they know what they are talking about. These comments are amazingly shallow and repetitive name-calling on the anti-racist side. Our media elite don't want us to actually THINK about race. 

That is why few Americans today have heard of Matthew Hale, the leader of a Church dedicated to the "survival and thrival" of the white race.

A letter from Reverend Matthew Hale from the Terre Haute FCI:

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Supporters!

   Make no mistake:  the upcoming trial for our beloved Creativity religious faith will be the most important trial regarding religion in American history.  Indeed, it is difficult to remember any other time in history when a man--whether a prisoner or not--was forced to conduct a trial in an American courtroom in an effort to stop his religious rights from being so hideously violated by the federal government of the United States, a government that claims to protect and defend religious freedom.  

   If I were a black Muslim, not only would my rights not be violated but my every religious whim would be placated.  (I know, because I see it every day in prison.)  However, since I am a White man proud of my White Race and am determined to adhere to a religion that aims at its physical, as opposed to spiritual, salvation, I am denied even the most elementary consideration.  I have no doubt whatever however that regardless of whatever attempts are made at trial to smear Creativity, as well as my person, with lies, half-truths, and plain ignorance, we will prevail due to the power of our Creed, the fervency of its advocacy, and the skill of he who will be advocating it. 

  I went to law school to represent others in court; little did I realize that the day would come when I would be representing all that I hold dear!  I must say that such advocacy gives me the greatest possible joy.  I can hardly wait for the chance to preach Creativity again in public as I take the witness stand and argue to the jury that our religion has the right to exist the same as any other!  And as for the other side's "expert witness," his testimony will without doubt be successfully countered in every way.  That I guarantee.  All of the years of my oratorical silence will at long last be broken, and a torrent of words over a several day period for the greatest cause upon the face of the earth will leave our persecutors writhing and defeated in silence before all the world. 

   This, then, will be no ordinary trial.  It will not be a trial about mere facts or the actions of this person or that, limited to the immediate past or the immediate present.  Rather it will be a trial that goes to the core of what matters in this world.  We Creators dare to say that WE CAN HAVE A RELIGION THAT IS BASED UPON THE REAL WORLD, not a world steeped in conjecture and fantasy.  We say that it is to NATURE that owe our fundamental allegiance, not to a "supernatural" that people can only guess might exist. 

   Well soon, my Brothers and Sisters, the greatness of our Faith will be revealed to all the world and it is that fact that keeps me going when sometimes the going is tough.  As always I persevere not for me, but for you, for your children, and for their children who will come after.  Creativity is their LIFE and I am determined to save that life, for all time to come. 

   For those who have not yet read the Holy Books of Creativity, I urge you to do so now.  The stakes are simply too important for you to do otherwise.  Creativity will give you the power to overcome the obstacles in your own life, just as it has me.  When you feel its power within your veins you will know that there will no going back to the uncertainty and weakness of the past.  Rather you will join with us for a new future:  a future where our kind will be happy, healthy, and heroic, forever.The time has come for a new Faith, a new Spirit, and a new Will, and Creativity will give you all. 

   Begin your journey today by reading Nature's Eternal Religion, available at many sources, but hopefully available for your ripe reading at right now. 

   Let me know what you thought of this, our first Bible, and then go from there to read
The White Man's Bible, our second Bible!  You'll be glad that you took this step.

   With that I will close for now.  Let us make history together.  Let us achieve our people's salvation in this time of degradation and degeneration.  Let us save our kind.  White People Awake!  Save the White Race!

Yours Truly For Nature's Finest!

Rev. Matt Hale

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Joey Meeks Pleads Guilty in Court

Details of Joey Meeks being questioned by Judge Gergel in court on Friday, April 29th. "Gergel will sentence Meek at a later date."

Misprision of a felony.

Not usually used against people like Joey Meeks.

Disgusting "Justice" system squabbles over prize shooter Dylann Roof

Blacks shoot up blacks every day of the week. Blacks shoot up whites a couple of times a year. But a white shooting up blacks is so rare, state and federal courts fight over the white male shooter like he was a million dollar baby.

Who will try Roof first? State or feds? Why two trials anyway?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Well, what do you know?

That Andrew Knapp at The Post and Courier actually did a good article on May 27th.

Are the two trials double jeopardy? Yes, they are, they are just  bunch of BS. Is a white guy shooting nine black people worse than a black guy shooting nine people? No. The feds only want in on this for publicity.

Dylann Roof trial may be by Judge.

News flash, Dylann Roof is said to be trying to waive his right to a jury trial. Good call, Mr. Roof. Why waste time with a jury? Even if they found you not in need of a death penalty, the government will go around that, by hook or by crook.

What could Roof's lawyers be telling him, except, "You are toast."?

Oh, and here is another one, the first trial is set for November. An AP story, better than the usual local birdcage liner.

Roof was present in court on Tuesday, June 7th.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dylann Storm Roof's Attorney hands Dylann over to a state mental evaluation

That's evaluation, not institution.

How smart is that? Will the state use it to go along with the six month mental evaluation the defense already is conducting, or to rebut it? Hmmmm.

The State trial is set to begin in January, 2017.

SPLC story on Joey Meeks' guilty plea

Finally (although some weeks late to be posted here) an article about one of the Charleston church shooting trials that has some interesting new material - from the notorious White European hating, Jewish supremacist SPLC.

Features a nice header photo of Bowl Cut with his Confederate flag that killed nine people.

We learn that after viewing television news stories about the Charleston church shooting,  Joey (Brainiac) Meeks told four people that Dylann was the shooter but to not tell anyone. One of the four called an FBI hotline anyway.

Joey, Joey, Joey. If somebody tells you a secret, and you tell somebody else, it's not a secret anymore!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Joey Meeks' father

Joseph Meeks, Sr. speaks in defense of his son, Joey.

"If you called 911 every time someone said, 'Okay, I'm gonna do this do this,' it would be flooded with non-legit calls," Meek, Sr. said. "I mean that's just common sense. He was young, and the media fame I guess is what got him in this trouble. That's exactly what got him in trouble."

Should I get a bowl cut?

The Bowl Cut Is Calling!

Yes, it is true. Racists of all sorts are having a Jubilee year thanks to Mr. Donald Trump. Well, almost all, a few like Alex Linder (VNN) and Harold Covington (Thoughtcrime/downwithjugears) cry out in the Weimar wilderness "Don't trust Donald Trump! He is not one of us!"

However, nearly the whole of the white diaspora runs around laughing and smiling like they are on happy pills. Been so long since something made them smile!

Only One Solution Here to Be Honest Fam Video

OOSHTBHFAM by SeventhSon

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

More jerking around of poor Joey Meeks

Joey Meeks trial now set for June 27, 2016.

What they hope to accomplish out of this is unknown. Meeks was not required by the law to inform the police of any potential crime except TREASON. If Meeks told lies ( a big if) after Dylann Storm Roof was arrested, who was hurt and who cares?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

White hoods! It's the KKK! Run!!!

Two dirty tricksters pose as Klan members in support of Donald Trump at the Nevada Caucus on February 23, 2016. The lights in the background create a nice effect. Hmm, are those black hands holding the signs? So that explains how they could walk around like that without causing mass hysteria.

Klan costumes 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

More delays in Charleston shooting trials

Same old, same old over at the Post and Courier with Andrew Knapp:

Matt Hale and Systemic White Racism - Not!

If we had a white supremacist federal government, the FBI would not send informants after white power leaders with instructions to offer to kill people and secretly record the conversation. If we had a white supremacist court system, white power leaders would not get 20, 30, and 40 year sentences for "violent crime" charges where no attempt was made to kill or even harm anybody. If we had a white supremacist prison system, Matt Hale would not be in maximum security in Florence, Colorado and his mother, Evelyn Hutchenson, would not be sending out anguished messages like this:

Matt in Trouble

I received a call from Matt. The warden John Fox told Matt today that he is considering putting Matt in general population. All the inmates in his unit are killers. The warden admitted to Matt that if it weren't for his crime, he would be at a camp because of his good behavior. The warden also admitted that Matt is a political prisoner. I am asking you to call the warden at 719-784-9464, write the warden John Fox, USP Florence Admax, P.O. Box 8500, Florence, CO 81226. Tell him not to put Matt in general population. I believe his life will be in danger. Matt and I need you. Please, please do this for Matt. Do not click on unsubscribe Thank You! Ms. H
Message on behalf of the Creativity Movement

Our mailing address is:
Creativity Movement
200 Carlson Ave. 25 H
Washington, IL 61571


And this (telephone number blacked out by me):

Monday, February 1, 2016

Blinding example of racial disparity in US justice system

We do not have a racist justice system in the USA. We have an anti-racist (anti-white) justice system.

Matthew Hale of the Creativity Movement would not have been denied his law license for his beliefs in Illinois if we had a racist (pro-white) justice system. He would have been welcomed to the club and most likely been given many honors in the past decades.

Instead, he is sitting in a maximum security federal prison serving 40 years.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Joey Meek trial news

Jury selection to start on March 1 in Charleston.

Jury Pool for Dylann Roof shooting

Oh, well I was wrong yesterday. The latest on the State's Roof trial, which is set for the week of July 11, 2016:

"On Wednesday, [South Carolina] circuit judge JC Nicholson issued an order saying a jury pool of 600 was needed because of the complexity of the case.
The judge also ordered that questionnaires that will be used to screen potential jurors remain sealed until they are given to members of the jury pool on 28 June.
Members of the pool will then report back to the court in groups of 20 to be questioned by attorneys the day the trial is set to begin. Attorneys have said the trial is expected to last several weeks."

Like they don't expect for everyone to vote guilty as charged, whether they call in 6, 60, or 600. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Borden's 1935 "The Sunshine Makers" cartoon short

How are ya? 


That's fine! 

We're happy when we're sad!

I don't think there is anything going on in Dylann Roof's Dizz Knee Land lately, but this video made me think of him. Roof is reported to have replied "I'm terrible" or "I'm miserable" when asked how he was doing, just as the mysterious men in top hats do in this cartoon short, The Sunshine Makers by Ted Esbaugh, 1935.

Some see chemical warfare and forced conversions in this weird, dark, creepy little cartoon.

Liquid Sunshine in a bottle

Rainbow Power

Resistance is futile

Everybody Happy

Saturday, January 16, 2016

White boys going to Dizz Knee Land

A video using amateur clips of young white gentlemen getting hand-cuffed and so on. Stick around for the kid with the punk haircut at 2:45 or so.

Louisiana Movie Shooter: Shoot the Liberals

Article by Corky Siemazsko at

From the article: "Had Dylan (sic) Roof reached political maturity he would have seen the word is not n----r but liberal," 59-year-old John 'Rusty' Houser wrote some time before he fatally-shot two women and wounded several more people inside a Lafayette cinema. "But thank you for the wake up call Dylann."

Where do you find liberals? At a movie with a female director, perhaps?

Almost everything quoted is perfectly sane. Seemed to be a pretty normal guy.

"I'm going to Dizzkneeland" sounds a bit Zodiac Killer, but immediately we recall that old MTV video of yesteryear. I did not know it was "Dizz Knee Land," not Disneyland.

The band is Dada, liberals, no doubt who could be considered to have been attempting to inspire violence against the Bush Administration by this song, if you want to picky.

Dizz Knee Land

I just ran away from home
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just crashed my car again
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just robbed a grocery store
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just flipped off President George
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just tossed a fifth of gin
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just got cuffed again
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
Shot my gun into the night
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just saw a good man die
I'm going to dizz knee land
Kicked my ass out of school
Rolled me out into the street
Hitched a ride on a monkey's back
Headed west into the black
I'm going to dizz knee land

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cop Michael Slager released due to the more important Dylann Roof case

When Dylann Roof was first jailed it was reported that his next door cell mate was Charleston's "white cop who shot an unarmed black man." Seven months later, a judge let the cop out on bail because his prosecutor was too busy with Dylann Roof's case to work on the cop's case.

Good for the judge. He followed the Golden Rule.

Slager granted bail.

Reporter Sharon Grigsby cries about it:

The prosecutor - article on 9th Circuit solicitor Scarlett Wilson from June 19, 2015:

The black community thinks Wilson, a white Republican, sides with the police against the non-white locals.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Inside the mind of killer Dylann Roof: What can a poor boy do?

Update: Regarding Roof's tattoo: internet search turns up an old story where Joey Meek told the Washington Post that Dylann Roof wanted to get the word 'Dagger' tattooed on his neck.

Here is an oldie from the National Enquier on June 26, 2015:

Includes this nugget from Joey Meek:

Roof, 21, had quit his job, and was whooping it up with lap dances from strippers, bragging of “something big” about to happen.

“At some point Dylann got real drunk, looked at me and said, ‘I’m planning something big, like the Trayvon Martin case. I’ve been planning it for six months now,’ ” Meek told The National ENQUIRER in a bombshell world exclusive interview.

“He told me, ‘The white race is under attack by the black race, and no one from the white race is brave enough to do anything about it. I’m going to be the one to start the race war. I’ll be the one who’s brave enough to do what needs to be done!’”

(This is what Roof wrote in his manifesto, which was discovered online shortly after he was named as the suspect. Makes me kind of wonder if Meek isn't just repeating what he had read after the manifesto became public.)

We also learn: Roof had worked on 'the landscaping team' of Clark's Termite and Pest Control, but had quit due to the heat. This is in fact a common complaint in the South - it's too hot to do outside jobs in the summer months. It can, in fact, give you heat stroke and even kill you,  as many a lawn mowing Southern man has found out.

More interestingly, we learn that:

 Roof resented that his parents gave his half sister, Morgan, all the attention.

Roof and Meek played a video game called "Black Ops: Line of Duty."

Roof would respond "I'm terrible" or "I'm miserable" when asked how he was doing.

Roof has the word "dagger" tattooed on his neck. (I've seen plenty of photos of Dylann's scrawny little neck but the tattoo, no.)

Roof got lap dances several times in the month before the shootings at the Platinum Plus strip club in downtown Columbia. He is reported to have watched the dancers on stage with a vacant stare.

Roof ranted about protester's burning the US flag. (Strange, because Roof desecrated an American flag in one or two of the photos on his website, The Last Rhodesian.)

Roof would Google "black on white crime" and read the countless stories in the news of innocent whites being killed in horrific, wanton ways by African-American people. Roof, insanely,  felt someone should do something about this.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dylann Roof calls together the Grand Council of White Nationalism

Update: Press release from Harney County at their government website:
Welcome to Harney County, Now Leave

1. White people across the USA pricked up their ears when it was announced that white activists had taken over a federal building in Oregon. (From now on this will be called the Takeover.) Probably most of them were disappointed to learn this was the Bundy militia, not the Hitler Youth group. However, many still were intrigued to see what would happen next.

The mainstream media is keen to get "white supremacists," preferably in ghostly costumes, involved in this story. Apparently the KKK was a no-show at the Takeover, so reporters like Mr. Gettys of Raw Story turned to old time white power guy Harold Covington's blog.

Covington has a number of notable accomplishments, or at least activities, including starting a project called the Northwest Front. That is a call for whites to move up to the Northwest region of the USA and create a white homeland. (The Northwest is a vague place that sometimes stretches out into the Midwest if you let it.)

 In recent history, the Northwest Front made the news when Dylann Roof mentioned it in his manifesto. Nobody mainstream will tell you want young Master Roof said about Harold Covington's Northwest Front. But I will. Roof said he thought it was a bad idea, it was like running away from the problem of black violence (also known as white flight.) I think the lad has a point.

Mr. Roof's response to black violence and media suppression of such atrocities was to shoot a roomful of innocent blacks. Of course, blacks never shoot innocent whites for any reason, so Mr. Roof became the "Face of Evil" in the current year. Oh, wait, that was 2015, which is not the current year any more. But so far Mr. Roof has not lost his paper crown to anyone more evil. (However, the shooting hasn't started in Harney County, yet.)

Okay, so here is intrepid reporter Travis Gettys, leaving out that essential bit in his article on Harold Covington blogging about the Takeover. He wants to create a connection between Roof and Covington in your mind.

Article by Travis Gettys, Jan. 5, 2016:

 The media sees Roof's bad angel figure floating over the Oregon Takeover. Note that Mr. Covington's comment on Roof's "hissy fit" distances himself from Roof.

If Mr. Covington is a Neo-Nazi, it is not apparent from skimming his blog. However, he is pen pals with prisoner Bill White, who is generally known on the internet as "Neo-Nazi Bill White." Mr. White, last I heard, denies that he is a white supremacist. He is however, reported to have sent books to fellow inmate Dylann Roof. (All roads lead to Dylann Roof!)

2. Recap of Harold Covington comments on the Oregon white militant Takeover on his Thoughtcrime blog:

Note - jugears is a swipe at the President, I believe. Obama, or maybe it was George W. Bush. They both look like monkeys, so hard to say.

On Saturday, Jan 2 Harold wrote: "Looks like someone may have decided to start the revolution without us." This was followed by a later post: "...I have to say that in this case, from what I have read about what the dictator's servants are doing to this father and son named Hammond in Harney County, the point seems worth making. What Dylann Roof did was a hissy fit. This is not. There is in fact a worthy cause here, a legitimate casus belli. That in itself is a rarity worth respecting."

On January 5, Harold speculated: "Wonder who the dictatorship will try to co-opt as their cat's-paw to lure the men to their destruction? Alex Jones? Maybe Rush Limbaugh? I doubt Limbaugh would touch it with a ten-foot pole; I think he has better sense."

Harold posted an update on Jan. 6 with a link to:

3. Perhaps there will be some exciting developments on this story but I kind of doubt it. Roof actually has nothing to do with Covington and Covington has nothing to do with the Takeover. Covington could of course, go over there and join in, and to tell you the truth I thought of him when I first heard the Takeover news. Harold is a novelist who draws his material from the news, and the Takeover sounds like news that drew from a Harold Covington novel.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Looking Back: The Day they Arrested Dylann Roof

The day was June 18, 2015.

 "Debbie Dills, a Kings Mountain florist making her morning commute from Gastonia, spotted Roof driving a black Hyundai Elantra on U.S. 74 in western Gaston County. After brief hesitation, she called her boss, Todd Frady, who then called the Kings Mountain Police Department. While Roof’s vehicle continued west on U.S. 74/Dixon Boulevard, the Shelby Police Department was alerted and tailed Roof to Plato Lee Road, where he was pulled over and captured by a host of local officers."

December 29, 2015 article by Gabe Whisnant:

The black community was supposed to go insane and race riot, loot and burn over the Roof murders, but it didn't happen. Why not? Everyone wanted to know! Because, Shelby Police chief Jeff Ledford says, he was already working with the local blacks in "Partnership for Change." Apparently this means they had got all the black church leaders and other respectable types down to the police station to nip in the bud any black "peaceful protests," lynchings, race wars, etc. It is unreported whether any of them actually had to go into action.

Looking Forward: "His [Roof's]next South Carolina state court appearance is set for Feb. 5, while the federal trial date was pushed back on Dec. 1 to an unknown date."