Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dylann Storm Roof's Attorney hands Dylann over to a state mental evaluation

That's evaluation, not institution.

How smart is that? Will the state use it to go along with the six month mental evaluation the defense already is conducting, or to rebut it? Hmmmm.

The State trial is set to begin in January, 2017.

SPLC story on Joey Meeks' guilty plea

Finally (although some weeks late to be posted here) an article about one of the Charleston church shooting trials that has some interesting new material - from the notorious White European hating, Jewish supremacist SPLC.

Features a nice header photo of Bowl Cut with his Confederate flag that killed nine people.

We learn that after viewing television news stories about the Charleston church shooting,  Joey (Brainiac) Meeks told four people that Dylann was the shooter but to not tell anyone. One of the four called an FBI hotline anyway.

Joey, Joey, Joey. If somebody tells you a secret, and you tell somebody else, it's not a secret anymore!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Joey Meeks' father

Joseph Meeks, Sr. speaks in defense of his son, Joey.

"If you called 911 every time someone said, 'Okay, I'm gonna do this do this,' it would be flooded with non-legit calls," Meek, Sr. said. "I mean that's just common sense. He was young, and the media fame I guess is what got him in this trouble. That's exactly what got him in trouble."

Should I get a bowl cut?

The Bowl Cut Is Calling!

Yes, it is true. Racists of all sorts are having a Jubilee year thanks to Mr. Donald Trump. Well, almost all, a few like Alex Linder (VNN) and Harold Covington (Thoughtcrime/downwithjugears) cry out in the Weimar wilderness "Don't trust Donald Trump! He is not one of us!"

However, nearly the whole of the white diaspora runs around laughing and smiling like they are on happy pills. Been so long since something made them smile!

Only One Solution Here to Be Honest Fam Video

OOSHTBHFAM by SeventhSon