Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dylann Roof jailhouse letter causes a fuss

The letter was sent to a "pen pal" who collects letters from famous killers. Andrew Dodge of Burlington, Washington put the letter up for auction, no bids yet. The polite school boy response by Mr. Roof drew many irate and just plain silly comments around the internet.

Young Mr. Roof reports that he is fine in health and spirit.

Dodge's website:

Complete, Unedited Dylann Roof Manifesto at Erasing Us Blog

Despite what every news source says, the manifesto is not an incoherent rant. To rant is to speak excitedly. All racists rant according to the controlled media. But Mr. Roof wrote a statement that is neither excited nor incoherent. He did a good job.

Want to have a dialogue about racism in America? Start here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Crying No Tears for the Victims of Shooter Dylann Roof

 A South African Admires a blog post by Erasing Us.
Dylann Roof: A Non-PC American Speaks Out! Video

Link to the original post on Erasing Us -
Why I Still Don't Feel Bad Over the Charleston Killings

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Rev. Matt Hale: "Attack on the Confederate Flag is an Attack on White People"

Does the "Confederate flag" represent White Supremacy or White resistance to an anti-White agenda?
News Release
(For Immediate Release)

"Take Down the American Flag," Hale says
July 6/2015

        In the wake of the hysterical and cowardly renunciation of the Confederate Battle flag that is going on in the South and elsewhere following the murders at the black church in Charleston, South Carolina, Reverend Matt Hale, America's foremost political prisoner and author of Ending White Slavery, today spoke against the American flag as a flag of tyranny, race mixing, and Jewish supremacy and called for his supporters and others across the country to take it down.

        It will be recalled that Reverend Hale led the pro-White and anti-Jewish Church of the Creator from 1996 until his arrest by federal agents in January 2003 on phony charges of having "solicited" the murder of a federal judge in Chicago during an ongoing trademark case.  He remains dedicated to that church and the Creativity religion that it practices to this day as he continues to fight to regain his rightful freedom.  His case is in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals right now, case number 14-1294.

        From his cell in solitary confinement at the infamous "Supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado, here is what Reverend Hale had to say about the ongoing Confederate flag controversy:

        "I have been absolutely disgusted by the latest attack upon our White heritage by black cultural terrorists and the White traitor politicians who are helping them.  For make no mistake, the attack upon the Confederate flag is an attack upon our White people themselves.  These scoundrels want to destroy every feeling of pride and self-respect in our people.  Indeed, their aim is to turn the White man into the slave of the [censored]!  Today they want to take down the Confederate flag.  Tomorrow, however, they'll want to take down the Confederate war memorials, take down street signs bearing the names of Confederate leaders, and expunge the heroism of the Confederacy from our children's history books altogether.  They are seeking the cultural genocide of the White Southern people the same way they are trying to erase our White race from this country as a whole.  I therefore stand against this latest sick attack on our people and urge others to do so as well."

        "What the traitor politicians do not seem to understand is this: it doesn't matter whether the  blacks like the Confederate flag.  What matters is that we like the Confederate flag.  We don't have to care whether the arrogant blacks like the symbols of our White heritage.  Instead, we should defend those symbols.  Many, many thousands of men died for the flag that is currently being torn off of flagpoles around the country, men who fought against the same federal tyranny that holds our White Race in political bondage today.  The memory of those many thousands of White men matters far more than the memory of the mere nine blacks who died at the hands of a lone gunman in a church.  Indeed, the idea that a flag should be torn down everywhere because of an isolated street crime is preposterous."

        "There has been a lot of talk about what the Confederate flag stands for.  Well, I'll tell you what it stands for: it stands for resistance to tyranny and yes, it stands for White people doing the resisting.  It does not stand for "white supremacy"  but rather for the supposedly "extreme" proposition that White people should be allowed to determine their own destiny in their own country.  The so-called "American" flag, on the other hand, has become the symbol of tyranny, of race-mixing, and Jewish supremacy.  The Founder of my church said this decades ago and he was right.  It stands for everything that we who love our White Race and want to preserve it hate!  Thus, as long as White traitors, blacks, Jews, and other mud people wave the "American" flag, we should want no part of it.  Instead, let the enemies of our White Race fly the so-called "American" flag and let those of us who care about the future of our White Race fly the Confederate one.  Let there be this chasm between us for all to see.  To those who seek the genocide of our White Race in this society, your country is not our country and we want no part of the "one nation under one flag" that you have in store for us, a "nation" where our White people are destroyed in every way.  Rather, we will go our own way."

        "So, I call upon all of my racially loyal Brothers and Sisters of our White American people to embrace the Confederate flag that is currently under attack today and take down the"American" flag that no longer represents or defends our White people in any way, and is instead presiding over the cultural, genetic, and biological annihilation of our White Race in this country.  Take down the so-called "American" flag from your flagpoles, don't use "American" flag postage stamps, and quit using it otherwise in any respect. I myself am furthermore adding a nice Confederate flag to my website as a protest against the attacks upon the Confederate flag by the controlled news media and other scoundrels.  We only have one American flag left in this country and it is the stars and bars, not the stars and stripes.  Indeed, as far as I'm concerned, the Confederate Battle Flag is the true American flag and I thus urge all White Americans to fly it instead of the flag of the Jewish Occupational Government that is currently leading our people to disaster."

        For further comment from Reverend Hale, write him at the address listed at the website above.
*End of News Release*

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dylann, Don't Be a Hero

A thoughtful, pro-White look at the Charleston shooter as a hero from the Age of Treason blog -

Dylann Goes Through the Roof

Dylann Raises the Roof

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"The Black on White Crime Rate Will Not be Discussed"

This article starts off with the same old same old "lone wolves are hard to stop" info but scroll down to where a number of different men in white politics either get quoted or discussed. Andrew Anglin's father, Greg Anglin, Kyle Rogers and more.

The comments below the article are very good, such as the one that points out that the author, Marc Fisher, avoids the Trayvon Martin media coverage as a radicalizing event and goes looking for something more palatable to the lefties.

League of the South's statement of support for Kyle Rogers in wake of Charleston Shooting

We Support Kyle Rogers
The League of the South supports our friend and compatriot, Kyle Rogers, of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), who is being lambasted by the left-wing media for turning Dylann Roof, the young man arrested for the Charleston church shooting, into a “white nationalist.”
From our point of view, all Mr. Rogers has done is diligently catalog the facts about the epidemic of black-on-white violent crime in America. We see this as a service that the mainstream US media refuses to provide to the public, thereby endangering the lives of many innocent people.
The fact that young Mr. Roof chose to act on this information is no fault of Mr. Rogers or anyone else who tells the hard truths about race that the leftist media regularly sweeps under the rug.
To attempt to blame Mr. Rogers, the CofCC, the Confederate battle flag, Southern culture, or the Easter Bunny for causing this murder is the sort of repulsive ideological persecution one used to find commonplace in the old USSR. It is, in a word, shameful.

Michael Hill

The Last Rhodesian statement asks a very good question

But you won't hear anyone in the mainstream media answer it.

This is from a Daily Mail article, with their editing. (Link at the bottom of this post.)


I was not raised in a racist home or environment. Living in the South, almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply beause [sic] of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country.
But it is a superficial awareness. Growing up, in school, the White and black kids would make racial jokes toward each other, but all they were were jokes.

Me and White friends would sometimes would watch things that would make us think that 'blacks were the real racists' and other elementary thoughts like this, but there was no real understanding behind it.

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up.

I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right.

But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words 'black on White crime' into Google, and I have never been the same since that day.

The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief.

At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?
The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief.  At this moment I realize that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?
From this point I researched deeper and found out what was happening in Europe. I saw that the same things were happening in England and France, and in all the other Western European countries.

Again I found myself in disbelief. As an American we are taught to accept living in the melting pot, and black and other minorities have just as much right to be here as we do, since we are all immigrants.

But Europe is the homeland of White people, and in many ways the situation is even worse there. From here I found out about the Jewish problem and other issues facing our race, and I can say today that I am completely racially aware.


I think it is is fitting to start off with the group I have the most real life experience with, and the group that is the biggest problem for Americans.

N****rs are stupid and violent. At the same time they have the capacity to be very slick. Black people view everything through a racial lense [sic].

Thats [sic] what racial awareness is, its viewing everything that happens through a racial lense [sic].

They are always thinking about the fact that they are black. This is part of the reason they get offended so easily, and think that some thing [sic] are intended to be racist towards them, even when a White person wouldnt [sic] be thinking about race. The other reason is the Jewish agitation of the black race.

Black people are racially aware almost from birth, but White people on average dont [sic] think about race in their daily lives. And this is our problem. We need to and have to.

Say you were to witness a dog being beat by a man. You are almost surely going to feel very sorry for that dog. But then say you were to witness a dog biting a man. You will most likely not feel the same pity you felt for the dog for the man. Why? Because dogs are lower than men.

This same analogy applies to black and White relations. Even today, blacks are subconsciously viewed by White people are [sic] lower beings. They are held to a lower standard in general. This is why they are able to get away with things like obnoxious behavior in public. Because it is expected of them.

Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an inferiority complex in blacks. This White superiority complex that comes from learning of how we dominated other peoples is also part of the problem I have just mentioned. But of course I dont [sic] deny that we are in fact superior.

I wish with a passion that n****rs were treated terribly throughout history by Whites, that every White person had an ancestor who owned slaves, that segregation was an evil an [sic] oppressive institution, and so on.

Because if it was all it true, it would make it so much easier for me to accept our current situation. 

But it isnt true. None of it is. We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing [sic], but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons.
Only a fourth to a third of people in the South owned even one slave. Yet every White person is treated as if they had a slave owning ancestor. This applies to in the states where slavery never existed, as well as people whose families immigrated after slavery was abolished.
I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of them were positive. 
One sticks out in my mind where an old ex-slave recounted how the day his mistress died was one of the saddest days of his life. And in many of these narratives the slaves told of how their masters didnt [sic] even allowing whipping on his plantation.
Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them. And I mean that in multiple ways.

Not only did it protect us from having to interact with them, and from being physically harmed by them, but it protected us from being brought down to their level. Integration has done nothing but bring Whites down to level of brute animals. The best example of this is obviously our school system.

Now White parents are forced to move to the suburbs to send their children to 'good schools'. But what constitutes a 'good school'? The fact is that how good a school is considered directly corresponds to how White it is.

I hate with a passion the whole idea of the suburbs. To me it represents nothing but scared White people running. Running because they are too weak, scared, and brainwashed to fight.

Why should we have to flee the cities we created for the security of the suburbs? Why are the suburbs secure in the first place? Because they are White.

The pathetic part is that these White people dont [sic] even admit to themselves why they are moving. They tell themselves it is for better schools or simply to live in a nicer neighborhood. But it is honestly just a way to escape n****rs and other minorities.

But what about the White people that are left behind? What about the White children who, because of school zoning laws, are forced to go to a school that is 90 per cent black?

Do we really think that that White kid will be able to go one day without being picked on for being White, or called a 'white boy'? And who is fighting for him? Who is fighting for these White people forced by economic circumstances to live among negroes? No one, but someone has to.

Here I would also like to touch on the idea of a Norhtwest [sic] Front. I think this idea is beyond stupid. 
Why should I for example, give up the beauty and history of my state to go to the Norhthwest [sic]? To me the whole idea just parralells [sic] the concept of White people running to the suburbs. The whole idea is pathetic and just another way to run from the problem without facing it.

Some people feel as though the South is beyond saving, that we have too many blacks here. To this I say look at history. The South had a higher ratio of blacks when we were holding them as slaves.

Look at South Africa, and how such a small minority held the black in apartheid for years and years. Speaking of South Africa, if anyone thinks that think will eventually just change for the better, consider how in South Africa they have affirmative action for the black population that makes up 80 per cent of the population.

It is far from being too late for America or Europe. I believe that even if we made up only 30 percent of the population we could take it back completely. But by no means should we wait any longer to take drastic action.

Anyone who thinks that White and black people look as different as we do on the outside, but are somehow magically the same on the inside, is delusional. How could our faces, skin, hair, and body structure all be different, but our brains be exactly the same? This is the nonsense we are led to believe.

Negroes have lower Iqs [sic], lower impulse control, and higher testosterone levels in generals. These three things alone are a recipe for violent behavior.

If a scientist publishes a paper on the differences between the races in Western Europe or Americans, he can expect to lose his job. There are personality traits within human families, and within different breeds of cats or dogs, so why not within the races?

A horse and a donkey can breed and make a mule, but they are still two completely different animals. Just because we can breed with the other races doesnt make us the same.

In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about 'bad' things Whites have done in history, they were White.

But when we lern [sic] about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White.

Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black. For example when we learn about how George Washington carver [sic] was the first n****r smart enough to open a peanut.

On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont [sic] have a unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture.

I dont [sic] mean that our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique. 

Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture.

I have noticed a great disdain for race mixing White women within the White nationalists community, bordering on insanity it. These women are victims, and they can be saved. Stop.


Unlike many White naitonalists [sic], I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European Jews are White.
In my opinion the issues with Jews is not their blood, but their identity. I think that if we could somehow destroy the Jewish identity, then they wouldnt [sic] cause much of a problem.

The problem is that Jews look White, and in many cases are White, yet they see themselves as minorities.
Just like n****rs, most Jews [sic] are always thinking about the fact that they are Jewish. The other issue is that they network. If we could somehow turn every Jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.

I dont [sic] pretend to understand why Jews do what they do. They are enigma [sic].


Hispanics are obviously a huge problem for Americans. But there are good Hispanics and bad Hispanics.
I remember while watching Hispanic television stations, the shows and even the commercials were more White than our own.

They have respect for White beauty, and a good portion of Hispanics are White. It is a well known fact that White Hispanics make up the elite of most Hispanics [sic] countries. There is good White blood worht [sic] saving in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and even Brasil [sic].

But they are still our enemies.

East Asians

I have great respent for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could carry something on.
They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to allies with the Northeast Asian races.


I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud [of] while White people are being murdered daily in the streets.

Many veterans believe we owe them something for 'protecting our way of life' or 'protecting our freedom'. But im [sic] not sure what way of life they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the Jews.

I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940's American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont [sic] blame the veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American [sic] to be proud of and fight for.

An Explanation

To take a saying from a film: 'I see all this stuff going on, and I dont [sic] see anyone doing anything about it. And it pisses me off'. To take a saying from my favorite film: 'Even if my life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society.'

I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight.

I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country.

We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

Unfortunately at the time of writing I am in a great hurry and some of my best thoughts, actually many of them have been to be left out and lost forever. But I believe enough great White minds are out there already.

Please forgive any typos, I didnt [sic] have time to check it.

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Daily Mail article on CofCC and Dylann Storm Roof

Message from the Council of Conservative Citizens

It has been brought to the attention of the Council of Conservative Citizens that Dylann Roof — the alleged perpetrator of mass murder in Charleston this week — credits the CofCC website for his knowledge of black-on-white violent crime.
This is not surprising: The CofCC is one of perhaps three websites in the world that accurately and honestly report black-on-white violent crime, and in particular, the seemingly endless incidents involving black-on-white murder.
The CofCC website exists because media either “spike” such stories, or intentionally obscure the race of black offenders. Indeed, at its national convention some years ago, the Society of Professional Journalists adopted this tactic as a formal policy.
The CofCC is hardly responsible for the actions of this deranged individual merely because he gleaned accurate information from our website.
We are no more responsible for the actions of this sad young man, than the Olin Corporation was for manufacturing the ammo misused by Colin Ferguson to murder six whites on the Long Island Railroad in 1993.
The CofCC does not advocate illegal activities of any kind, and never has. I would gladly compare the honesty and law-abiding nature of our membership against that of any other group.
Earl Holt III, President, CofCC

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Historian Douglas Egerton troubled by date of Charleston Shooting

One of the founders of Mother Emanuel is Denmark Vesey, who plotted a slave rebellion, partly out of the church, in 1822. The plot was foiled, but the armed revolution of black people in Charleston would have happened on June 17, 1822.
“The original plan for Denmark Vesey’s uprising is July 14, Bastille Day,” historian Douglas Egerton told The Atlantic. “It is moved back to midnight on June 16. They plan to free the slaves, and fight their way down to the docks, meaning the fighting will be on June 17. Historians don’t like coincidences. Either it’s a terrible coincidence, or he knows this history. The fact that June 17 would have been the day of the fighting is troubling.”
Source: Dylann Roof and the 'Last Rhodesian' Post

Sam Sorbo asks a long overdue question

Actress Sam Sorbo, the wife of “Hercules” actor Kevin Sorbo, slammed the American education system during an interview with Dana Loesch that aired Friday...“Why are we brainwashed into believing that an institution is the best place for our children to hang out all day?” she asked. “Who wrote that law?”

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

If Dylann Roof was black and the Christians were white...

Those Who Can See: Reacting to Spree Killings, Progressively

From the Those Who Can See blog, July 2, 2015 - Long and thoughtful piece giving Dylann Roof the same treatment black Muslim shooters get from Progessives.