Sunday, July 1, 2018

More from Russell Walker

Anti-free speech extremists would like to shut down free speech because with free speech, someone might say something we don't want to hear. 

From Candidate Russell Walker's website:

Bigotry -- There can be nothing more bigoted than saying or supporting  the lie (1) that black and white are equal or (2) refusing to admit any difference. in varying groups.   CHRIST TOLD THE JEWS IN JOHN 8:44 THAT THEIR FATHER WAS SATAN AND THAT THEY LUSTED AFTER THE DESIRES OF THEIR FATHER.   I GUESS CHRIST WAS A BIGOT.

There is nothing more bigoted than saying that white is the same as black or that all races are equal. If white is equal to black then the day is equal to night.

Prejudice -- There can be nothing more prejudicial and ignorant than saying or supporting the lie that black and white are equal.

Color Blind -- Color Blind is still blind.  Blind to the obvious truth.

Anti-semitism -- This is the jews' response to any criticism.  The jews are NOT semitic they are satanic as they all descend from Satan.    i.e. Askanaz descended from Japeth not Shem.  See Gen 10:1-3.

Equality -   We live in a world and universe of inequality where no two things or ideas are equal.  Even in mathematics there is no such thing as equality.  4 does not = 4  as the left 4 is in a different position than the right 4.   See paragraph #25 for a more complete description.

White Supremacy -- Well there can either be supremacy or or its absolute opposite, equality.  Equality does not exist in this world or in the universe as explained above, therefore there has to be supremacy.  The achievements of the various races speak more about which one is supreme than any other.  Deut 7:6 tells us that Yahweh created the House of Israel above all others.

Tolerance -- Are you tolerant of ignorance, tolerant of disease, tolerant of filth, tolerant of fraud, tolerant of hypocrisy and tolerant of intolerant people such as myself?  There is nothing redeeming about hypocrisy. Tolerance is the abdication of standards.  

Racist or Racism -- God was the first and greatest racist.  White Snow and Snow White are racist. MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL WHO IS FAIREST OF THEM ALL

Diversity - There is nothing so diverse as trash!  Let's just mix up all of the drugs in a pharmacy or all of the seeds in a seed store, all of the nails and screws in a hardware store and increase the diversity(entropy) and uselessness.

Inclusion - Are we to put sand in motor oil, water in gasoline, urine in drink, manure in food etc.?  Inclusion is another word for pollution.

Discrimination -- Yes, what is wrong with discrimination?  Discrimination is an essential part of life.  When we go to the food store, dog food and people food are the same thing.  Lets not discriminate.  Lets just mix up all TV and radio stations and we will only have chaos and useless cacophony.

Children of God -- We are all the children of God.  What a lie.  The House of Israel was made to be above all of the other races of the earth.  Deut 7:6    Others are Genesis 1 Beast animals or the seed of Satan (jews) Gen 3:15, John 8:44.      God only knows and loves the House of Israel, Amos 3:2, now that is discrimination.

We all bleed red -- Big deal.  So do cows, horses, chicken and fish.  The chemical hemoglobin is an iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein and is not an indicator of equality or race.

Whites of the World Charmed by Candidate Russell Walker, GOP Primary winner

Actually, they are rubbing their eyes and saying "Is this guy for real?" Mr. Walker is running for North Carloina's General Assembly, House District 48, which includes Scotland and Hoke counties.

Seventy five year old Yahweh worshiper has had enough of this diversity nonsense

From the Laurinburg Exchange:

 LAURINBURG — Russell Walker, a Republican hoping to  represent Scotland County in the General Assembly, has  created a political firestorm over his connection to a  racist website.

The website that the candidate for state House 48 says he began three years ago includes messages that God  is a white supremacist and that Jews are descended from  Satan.  One post said: “Someone or group has to be supreme and  that group is the whites of the world … someone or  something has to be inferior … In all history in  sub-Saharan Africa, no two-story building or a waterproof  boat was ever made.”  Another said: “There is nothing more bigoted than  saying that white is the same as black or that all races are equal. If white is equal to black then the day is equal to  night.”

 The website also claims that women are the weaker sex  “because today white Caucasian women are much more willing  than men to accept non Israelites … in the voting booth  and in bed.”

 The website refers to Martin Luther King Jr. by a racial  slur and adds, “MLK wanted to destroy the Caucasian race  through mixing and integration. He was an agent of  Satan.”

 The site also criticizes President Ronald Reagan as a  “racial traitor whore” for signing the bill that created
 a national holiday to commemorate King.

Read More at the link below.  

Scott Witten
Editor, Laurinburger Exchange

Reach Scott Witten at 910-506-3023


Another story, with video, here: 

Russell Walker's Facebook page: Christ Descended From Joseph

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Joseph Meek Prepares to Re-enter Society

Oozing his white privilege from every pore, Joey Meek invited the black sheep and refugee Dylann Roof to stay at his trailer in a place called "Deadmond", or something like that. According to the official version of events, after seeing his little bowl cut headed friend on TV, opening the door to a certain church in Charleston, Joey is said to have told his friends and relations, "Don't call the hotline." But at least one of them did.

But that was years ago and looks like young Joey's troubles will soon be over. His release date approaches.


From the BOP Inmate Locator:
Register Number: 28599-171
Age:  23
Race: White
Sex: Male
Located at: Raleigh RRM
Release Date: 09/29/2018

RRM Raleigh

A Residential Reentry Management (RRM) field office.

BUTNER, NC  27509

At Cape Fear Senior High, Fayetteville, NC, white Southern working class too uppity

We've got to hold them down. If it had been a watermelon patch, now THAT would have been racist.

School yearbook photo triggers Dylann Roof comparisons.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

The Exact Signs of Agent for the Other Side

"Although Mr. Echoes has never been a paid staff person at (white power dot com), the  (White Power)  Institute, or any project or organization we have lead, he has been an important collaborator and friend for almost a year. This is because he expresses a high level of energy and agency and has worked tirelessly as a volunteer to make possible several important events in which we participated."

Sorry, all men weren't created equal - The Founding Fathers

America was always racist. Yes, and this article comes recommended by White Racial Loyalist Matthew F. Hale from his solitary cell in ADMAX, Florence, Colorado. To say what the founding fathers said today is white power hate speech worthy of triggering a federal investigation!

"The very first citizenship law, passed in 1790, specified that only “free white persons” could be naturalized, and immigration laws designed to keep the country overwhelmingly white were repealed only in 1965." - Jared Taylor

Yes, and those immigration laws were changed due to the long time efforts of Emmanuel (He Looks White to Me) Celler.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Richard Spencer had taken down

 Luke Ford and Greg Johnson of Counter Currents on The Alt-Right's Trajectory:

Me, vaguely following along:

There was a debate. Alt-Right. Make it more normie. Republican friendly. Co-opt the brand. Andrew Anglin issued a Fatwa against Milo. "Control the brand." White nationalism. Spencer put his foot on the gas and all the cucks fell off the back of the truck. Hail gate. A silly impulse. Radical and pure Hitler salutes, certain standards are going to win. Back channel communications, corporate umbrellas, you have to give them credit. Shills! Orc armies! A cult of personality. The alt-light were purged.

After that, any type of criticism was shouted down. Battling with ANTIFA larping as communists, larping as Nazis, losing power. The general direction was futile. Focus blurred, memes coming out of our sphere. Against our politics, white identity politics. Polarization, acceptable discourse stopped. Taking on law enforcement, the US Army, being out there in the streets, Charlottesville. A predictable disaster, no control, the enemy prepared. We can only lose.

Optics. Message. What happened, happened. 

Text book perfect: Identity Europa's torchlight rally, in secret, a great rally. No more of that. Instead, a battle in Charlottesville. People were victimized. Bad things happened. A wave of lost jobs, connections lost, things went dark. Believers are watching and waiting, hoping for a better way. If the alt-right wants to win, don't let the bastards get you down. Listen. People are coming to our cause who want to help. Welcome, friends. Respectful dialogue.

Richard Spencer had taken down. Changing the boundaries of discourse. Censorship must be  rigorous.  Trolling and bullying, horrible comments, yeah, maybe this domain should be taken down. Vile commentators ran amuck. Absolutely no thought about consequences. GoDaddy. After GoDaddy seized Daily Stormer...why? Simple prudence.

Simply taboo to speak about white identity politics. Hate crimes. The SPLC, nuisance lawsuits. RICO. Accused. People of color whining that their peace of mind was ruined. The court system is highly stacked against us.

Unite the Right couldn't end well. Vastly outnumbered by ANTIFA. So self-destructive. Vastly delusional. No lawyers on call. Naively blundering.

Post Trumpian Euphoria. We could come out. We could be open. Nobody anticipated the sheer, disgusting push back.  Premising their politics on lies. Unhinged. The tightening noose of doxxing and firing. The Department of Justice is politically correct. The First Amendment doesn't apply. You can't have a platform. Corporate censors. The Jewish question.

Hail, Victory. Triggered. Battles we could not win. Degeneracy. Drugs and alcohol. Devastating benders. Not thinking clearly.

Twitter stuff. There was something a bit maniacal, medicatable, spiraling, egged on, ever more extreme. The short, fast internet life, heaped up political capital into a bonfire and danced around it, burned out and disappeared. Way stupid. Solstice Fest.

Power and money. Welcome Jews into your movement. What do you think? No. Jewish anti-white hate, for whatever reasons, being Jewish, biological interests, ethno-nationalism, ethnic interests... Ancient civilizations destroyed, unique and beautiful homelands. Israel is such a problem. Be cautious. Keep them at arm's length. Such a terrible neighbor. Jews, live and let die ethos.
 They look white to me.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Springtime for tbe Alt-Reich

 Started this post the other day, but never finished because looking up all the facts was a drag. Now I see Salon has the same story out:


Never finished "New Post" of March 18:

Well. hello there. Hi, how are you? I've been away from this blog for a long time.

The Alt-Right is dead. Altie, we hardly knew ye. Like John F. Kennedy, his fine head of light brown, very Indo-European hair exploded on August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia. However, the death was not immediately announced and the Alt-Right and the Alt-Light and Merchant Right all carried on in a somewhat confused manner until this very month.

Hunter Wallace hung up a "Do Not Disturb" sign. Nobody sued him and he didn't sue anybody.

Richard Spencer got tired of fighting America's brownshirts, the ANTIFA, the snowflakes, and the Marxist professors and returned to his no doubt luxurious home and his books.

The trial is coming! The trial is coming! I do love a trial. 

Matthew Heimbach's big night in the little trailer park. The betrayer was betrayed into the hands of enemy forces (who are all secretly Nazis if you listen to Black Lives Matter and their white allies). Jesus wept.

His wife Brooke has a gofundme page:

Brennan Gilmore is suing Alex Jones "and others.".

Jason Kessler is still in the fight  at and on Gab @theMadDimension . See his "Heather Heyer WAS hit by the Challenger" material.

Christopher Cantwell [Here's where I quit.]