Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Lovely Mask of Multiculturalism Slips Off

Oregon, USA - Religious Attire in the Classroom Controversy

Charles Hinckle, he's against it!

As usual, the comments section is better than the article. Like the post that suggests all teachers be called Mr/Ms. Smith so the kids can't figure out the likely religious affiliations.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Free Speech - Jaffa Style!

Vancouver, Canada - "If the Shoe Fits" Controversy.

Baraba Yaffe of the Vancouver Sun reports that her Jewish friends desire jail time for those who compare Israelis/Zionists to Nazis.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tell Us What We Want to Hear

Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts - Declaration on Free Speech

A mocking critique of "affirmative action" at Tufts leads this private university to play the community values card. Students, please censor yourselves, so that we don't have to do it for you. Only ideas popular with the Tufts admin are to be expressed. One world, one vision, one mind!