Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

The Exact Signs of Agent for the Other Side

"Although Mr. Echoes has never been a paid staff person at (white power dot com), the  (White Power)  Institute, or any project or organization we have lead, he has been an important collaborator and friend for almost a year. This is because he expresses a high level of energy and agency and has worked tirelessly as a volunteer to make possible several important events in which we participated."

Sorry, all men weren't created equal - The Founding Fathers

America was always racist. Yes, and this article comes recommended by White Racial Loyalist Matthew F. Hale from his solitary cell in ADMAX, Florence, Colorado. To say what the founding fathers said today is white power hate speech worthy of triggering a federal investigation!


"The very first citizenship law, passed in 1790, specified that only “free white persons” could be naturalized, and immigration laws designed to keep the country overwhelmingly white were repealed only in 1965." - Jared Taylor

Yes, and those immigration laws were changed due to the long time efforts of Emmanuel (He Looks White to Me) Celler.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Richard Spencer had Altright.com taken down

 Luke Ford and Greg Johnson of Counter Currents on The Alt-Right's Trajectory:


Me, vaguely following along:

There was a debate. Alt-Right. Make it more normie. Republican friendly. Co-opt the brand. Andrew Anglin issued a Fatwa against Milo. "Control the brand." White nationalism. Spencer put his foot on the gas and all the cucks fell off the back of the truck. Hail gate. A silly impulse. Radical and pure Hitler salutes, certain standards are going to win. Back channel communications, corporate umbrellas, you have to give them credit. Shills! Orc armies! A cult of personality. The alt-light were purged.

After that, any type of criticism was shouted down. Battling with ANTIFA larping as communists, larping as Nazis, losing power. The general direction was futile. Focus blurred, memes coming out of our sphere. Against our politics, white identity politics. Polarization, acceptable discourse stopped. Taking on law enforcement, the US Army, being out there in the streets, Charlottesville. A predictable disaster, no control, the enemy prepared. We can only lose.

Optics. Message. What happened, happened. 

Text book perfect: Identity Europa's torchlight rally, in secret, a great rally. No more of that. Instead, a battle in Charlottesville. People were victimized. Bad things happened. A wave of lost jobs, connections lost, things went dark. Believers are watching and waiting, hoping for a better way. If the alt-right wants to win, don't let the bastards get you down. Listen. People are coming to our cause who want to help. Welcome, friends. Respectful dialogue.

Richard Spencer had Altright.com taken down. Changing the boundaries of discourse. Censorship must be  rigorous.  Trolling and bullying, horrible comments, yeah, maybe this domain should be taken down. Vile commentators ran amuck. Absolutely no thought about consequences. GoDaddy. After GoDaddy seized Daily Stormer...why? Simple prudence.

Simply taboo to speak about white identity politics. Hate crimes. The SPLC, nuisance lawsuits. RICO. Accused. People of color whining that their peace of mind was ruined. The court system is highly stacked against us.

Unite the Right couldn't end well. Vastly outnumbered by ANTIFA. So self-destructive. Vastly delusional. No lawyers on call. Naively blundering.

Post Trumpian Euphoria. We could come out. We could be open. Nobody anticipated the sheer, disgusting push back.  Premising their politics on lies. Unhinged. The tightening noose of doxxing and firing. The Department of Justice is politically correct. The First Amendment doesn't apply. You can't have a platform. Corporate censors. The Jewish question.

Hail, Victory. Triggered. Battles we could not win. Degeneracy. Drugs and alcohol. Devastating benders. Not thinking clearly.

Twitter stuff. There was something a bit maniacal, medicatable, spiraling, egged on, ever more extreme. The short, fast internet life, heaped up political capital into a bonfire and danced around it, burned out and disappeared. Way stupid. Solstice Fest.

Power and money. Welcome Jews into your movement. What do you think? No. Jewish anti-white hate, for whatever reasons, being Jewish, biological interests, ethno-nationalism, ethnic interests... Ancient civilizations destroyed, unique and beautiful homelands. Israel is such a problem. Be cautious. Keep them at arm's length. Such a terrible neighbor. Jews, live and let die ethos.
 They look white to me.