Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Leonard Pitts sends muddled message to Dylann Roof on race wars

Usually there is only one race war that matters to the American press, and that is the decades old race war between Nazis and Jews.  (Like to wave a Confederate flag? You've just fallen to subhuman "Nazi" status.)

But here, Leonard Pitts babbles about nuclear bombs and ancient tribal instincts.


I'm not sure what his point is. "Hey, Dylann Roof, you're just a normal human boy, but you have to join the military to get away with race war."

Tragically, WWII was largely a white nation on white nation war with horrific white death tolls. White European historic buildings were destroyed with "Clockwork Orange" abandon by both sides. Cultural destruction of the white American and the English ways of life was swift after the war.  Rock and Roll, Civil Rights, Feminists, Gay Power, nations of immigrants, and so on.  (Poor veterans. They were had.)

Please note, modern racial thinking does not condone white on white wars with the exception of a future war with the Eternal Alien Joe who is always shape-shifting and screaming "I'm You-ish!" and "I'm not You-ish!" at the most surprising moments.

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